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Saturday 20 October 2018

What is happening?

2018 - What is happening in my life and why I quit MSP.

Hello everyone! I finally found the time to write this blog post. 

There are a few things that I need to address and I bet you all are wondering where the f*ck I have been. 

I quit MSP because I found it boring and it is dead, I used to play it with my best friend in real and we are both so busy now and have changed so much. I was going through my notebooks in real and I found the email and pass to this blog and I thought "hey I could update everyone!".

I finished high school and I am now in college studying Health, Socialcare and Childcare. I am turning 17 in January 2019 and I am not much of a child anymore. I was way too immature back then and I am now mature. I get on Irish MSP now and then but I don't get on for more than 20 minutes. 

If most of you didn't know my real name is Ellise and not Chrissie. MSP life is over for me and always will be. I quit like 5 years ago. MSP is just trash and I am sorry for bashing the game like I just did but it is the truth, nothing but the truth. I had great friends on there but they no longer are my friend and I do not care much for them anymore. That is the truth. I may never ever update on this blog again. I will probably keep the blog up but I won't update again. I may update in the future but that is very doubtful and I will forget about this blog and MSP in the future. 

I do not use Skype anymore or Kik. I am more of a snapchat person now. I am more of an outside person now and I do not spend all day on the computer like I did before. I have been through hell and back.

If you are going through depression, trust me, it will get better in time. It always does. Life for me now is great and I wouldn't change any of it! I still get anxiety now and then but I get over it. I have made so many great friends in real. 

This isn't going to be a long post so I am just going to post a selfie of what I look like now. 

I remember when I did not wear makeup for all my life and now I have 2 drawers and a few boxes in my room full of makeup! My favourite brand is revolution and i would recommend them. Their eye palettes are just amazing! 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this update and you are not offended. 

Good day and see you again XOXO.

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