Me And Lucy ♥

Me And Lucy ♥
Me And Lucy ♥

Me and Esra ♥

Me and Esra ♥
Me and Esra♥

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Sunday 6 January 2013

Loads of posts into one.

Hi guys. So Lucy my bff - asked "can you put something on your blog (something positive about me) so here we are..
1) Your kind.
2) You help others level up when they need it.
3) Your always there for people when they are being bullied.
4) I love you.
5) Your very pretty.
6) Your nice.
7) You always make out with people when you fall out with them..(thats nice!)
And yeah those were my positive things about you Lucy.;) x


Hey guys. 24/12/13. ITS CHRISTMAS EVE YAY!! :D I love CHRISTMAS! Hope today goes quick (y) Oh christmas tree oh christmas tree yeah! Hope you get what you wanted. 15 days until my birthday..(10th january) btw i did a picture i edited it ;D hope you like it xDD

Do you like it? Say yes or no.. ♥ Thanks xx MERRY CHRISTMAS XD


Hey guys. This is 23/12/13. Christmas EVE TOMORROW! YAY! ;b

So my friend Lydia74630 went into a chatroom on UK MSP (American CAFE) so i made a new account of course because she said they were some real hackers and some fake. So i didnt want to get hacked on my main account on UK MSP of course. So i made a new account, added Lydia and she invited me to the cafe since it was full..;o She i went into the cafe and this is what i saw. 

Also i added Terrigang. TERRIGANG IS THE REAL HACKER BECAUSE SHE DID NOT SPEAK OR MOVE. The rest of the hackers are fake! :D :P even the one with no name spoke and said they are fake..:P Anyway moving on.. CONGRATS LYDIA FOR YOUR 100TH POST ON YOUR BLOG -
Go and check her awesome blog! thanks ;)


Hey guys.  I haven't made quite posts in a while c: Sorry for that. But i am level 24. YAY! :D ♥ Anyway i have lots of friends!: 


Hey guys. So i haven't been updating a lot lately... And anyway i have been checking my and this is how many pageviews i got ^^

This is what Lexi69 said on a forum about me and my sister iFame -

we said nothing to lexi! what a big bully! ._.


That boy and me are together forever <3 :) ♥
Do NOT be jelous. :) xx
Love you cameron, forever together. <33 :) 


Faye how could you delete your account? (Btw i can click on her profile)...We miss you..I remember when we were bestfriends on UK MSP and then you quit that and joined irish msp and then you quit that! :( I MISS YOU..I AM CRYING IN REAL, YOU WERE MY FIRST EVER FRIEND ON MSP! :( :'( :(( 

Her account is deleted now..When i go in her room look^^ See her user is deleted. :(


Hi guys, I am in year 7. That means I am in high school.  So if your in year 6 and you are going to be in year 7. Here is some advice:

1) Do NOT answer the teachers back.
2) When you make a mistake, put a line through it so the teacher will know what you need help with.
3) Do NOT eat chewing-gum in school otherwise you will get detention.
4) Hand in your homework on time!
5) Don't act like your the best in the school just because your in year 6/7.
6) Do NOT talk to your friends/bestfriends while the teacher is talking.
7) Do NOT bring any electric devices into school.
8) Do NOT mess about.
9) Wear the correct uniform.
10) Do NOT mess with the resources in school and do NOT break them or snap them in anyway eg: Pencil, sharpeners, pens, rubbers.. etc..
11) Do NOT bring any toys into school!
12) ALWAYS try your best with your work!

Hope you take this advice and thanks for reading...Bye :)


Hiya again xD So ermm i was talking to this girl and she is nice :P and so the girl said i was the best! Is this a dream or am i getting popular again?

Also when i went into a chatroom this girl called Annax said i was her role model :P xx aww how sweet xxxxxxxxx ♥
Anyway byeeeeeee


Hiya guys! Just a post that i wanna make ♥
I am finally level 16 on IRISH MSP!

And also i went on google and typed in: Bully Star Planet.
Do you see how many people get bullied in real life and on the internet:

Thats how many people get bullied everyday on internet and in real life. If your out there and you get bullied tell an adult or someone you trust xxx


Hiya guys xD so 11/08/2013 my pet rat died :(

He will be missed <3 Btw Stewart is his brother. :/ So yeah.. I was crying for a hour :'(
D': But Crumbs is in a a better place - Heaven. When i get a new rat i hope it will be the same as Crumbs and im going to name my new rat Biscuits. :)

So anyway moving on..
I was hanging around with my friends on msp ie:


Hiya guys, so today at 12:52 i was hanging out with Stella in the mall :P

This pic was a joke btw so dont be scared (i)


Hiya guys so I haven't posted like for a 2 days. So yeah. Seeing like I like Nightcore so much I will send you some pictures of Nightcore. 

Coca Cola picture (i)

Omg love this picture so much!!

Car picture! ^^

Aw, I like this picture xD

Okay den.. :D

Lol xD

This picture is cute :D

This picture is scary xD


Hiya guys so I am here to put pictures up from the little mix concert I been to on Sunday. Here are the pictures:

There is all the pictures I could take xD i was at the very front xD


Hiya guys, its me Christina xx I drew a picture on paint, It's my profile! Do you like it? I hope you do! :D

So here it is. Hope you like it ^_^

Hiya guys. So me and Zara  have been having a massive fight. And she said this to me:

I'm the pink bit and she is the blue bit. I only did the blue bits of what she said. That's just mean. That really made me cry in real life. :( :(

Listen to this, Its so  cool. Also i went to see Little Mix, Conor Maynard, The Vamps, Wiley And someone else. I will show you the speech they did to Hearts. 

The Vamps ^^^

Loveable Rogues ^^^

Conor Maynard ^^

They haven't put a video of Little Mix though. Shame. 

Look at the crowd going wild for Conor Maynard at the end of the video. ^^
Hope you enjoy the videos. :D

Hey guys, so there is a new update on Irish MSP! And its not even on UK yet. Maybe they are busy doing the new update on different MSPS. Have a look:

So yeah. when you sell 5 copies it costs you 250 SC, when you sell 20 copies it costs u 1000 SC and when you sell 50 copies it costs you 2000 SC!! Anyways that's it for now. BYE!!! 

So that's the 1st update the 2nd update is where you get to sell your clothes once u bought them and then you earn fame. :D I will show you:
Hey Guys, Are you having a good time? I am! xD

Hey guys. So i have been on UK MSP recently and their is a girl called 'FakeHearts' who has been bullying me and FakeRose.  Bullying has to stop where ever it is or online.  I cant take it. People have been reporting me a lot. Why? I have not done anything. I have been bullied for 7 years now. I have been pushed down a river. Seriously? But bullying still carrys on.
Well anyway i got a song for you all to listen to:
Its a good song and i really like it xD


Hi guys its me Ellie and when I was on uk msp and I just got vip for a week someone asked me "can I have vip" and also I will show you the convo. don't forget he is the blue one and I am the pink one.

So there you are. People don't really give vip out to other people so I decided not to. but even if he said please anymore I will block him. Hasn't he followed the rules? People can't ask for VIP because Its against MSP rules. So yeah.


Hey guys! Its me Christina - as you all know. Or you can call me by my real name - Ellie/Ellise
This is me in real because the other picture I put up down there is ugly. So this is a better pic. You can see my face then!



So.. There's me! FACTS ABOUT ME!
I am 11 Years old.
I have a brother called Kristian.
I am welsh,french and English.
I am in year 6 - moving to year 7 in September.
I love all kind of music - Jazz, Pop, Rock...ETC.
I am a hugh fan of little mix! - Im also going to see them somewhere near where I live.
I am bestfriends with bleachlover13 for real, we play out all the time.
My favourite meal is roast dinner!
My favourite colour is red.
I love swimming!
I want to be a fashion designer where I am older.
I also want to be a singer and a teacher!
I have facebook - Ellise Charlotte Nicholls. ADD ME IF YOU HAVE FACEBOOK!
That is it for now.  So I will see you on MSP. Byee xx


Hey guys, so i havent posted for like one day, so i have a cute little rat here and his name is crumbs, he is my pet and this is him sleeping.

isnt he cute! xx
Okay so today is the day where i went to a shop and i fell in love with a baseball jacket, i asked my mum if i could have it and she said yes!
here is the baseball jacket, i tryed to take a pic of the baseball jacket on my webcam but my webcam kept on going off and on so i found it on the internet here it is.  what do you think?

and this is a pic i glittered of myself...

Hope you like my glitter :D
I actually find level 3's funny :D This is so awesome x


Hey guys today is finally 28/05/13.
Today i have 4 twins called Callum, UndeadFaheem, Casey and Callum.
This is my outfit :D


Lol. and this is Zara! xx

Okay so this is the funny bit that me and my dad usually talks about. because i have a pet rat.
Dad: Wheres the rat?
Me: Up your bum xD
Dad: Oi dont be so cheeky!
Me: Lol this is funny.
Dad: El, Where is the rat?
Me: Its still up your bum.
Lol i always have these convos with my dad.
Love my dad so much <3
My mum is such a nice person.  :D I love my mum x
Okay so this is it xx Okay make sure you look at my blog for more posts :D
Hey guys.
So today i would like to show you some of MY AMAZING FRIENDS!!

This is Faye^^She is an amazing person and she talks alot to me on facebook and moviestarplanet. I love her as a bestfriend xx and on uk msp i met her on she is an AWESOME person! and we are bffs forever xx love you Faye xx __________________________________________________________________________________
Hey guys its me christina. I have wrote many blog posts but i have nothing to put so i might as well make a game. All you have to do is answer these questions and then we will start the game. you have to write the answers in my inbox so i will see them. Lets start with 5 questions.
1) Whats your username?
2) How old are you?
3) Do you like moviestarplanet?
4) What things do you like?
5) Do you like me as a friend?
I know they are stupid questions but just answer them ok? right if you want to join the game just answer these following questions.
Another post. I am on uk and my name is !!! Christina !!! by a girl called ammie o. here is a picture of ammie o.

And princey10 (From UK MSP) has been messaging me rude things have a look:

im the pink bit so obvs princey10 is blue.
He is calling me nasty things so please report him.
These are people who blocked me on UK MSP

they blocked me because i was sticking up for princess!

Hey guys, Christina here.
Lydia is now sharing a blog with me! She is my bestfriend in real and on uk msp.
Please give her gifts on uk msp because she got hacked by this girl Athena Jamali. Please?
I am now doing my new things up here.  Cause then it will be easy when you go on my blog and you see the new posts up here , than rather scrolling down.. I think i have like loads of bffs but when i put the pics up, i will count them. right let's start.

and that is it. I have : 10 bestfriends.
Yes :D x
These are all the stuff that I did down here when I was 10 and I just joined msp.

How can that happen? Maybe they buy loads of diamonds and buy double fame and give greetings out (Which gives you 500 SC and 2000 fame.) And do the fortune wheel! And the girl who is PrincessCeline is my best friend forever and loads of people write on her wall saying "Your obsessed with diamonds, You buy like 4 diamonds a day." It's a free world. Everybody can do what they want! It's not like the world is going to end! And they did diamonds and greetings and fortune wheel and double fame is to level up! And if they didn't do diamonds everyone will be like level 6 or level 7! People who say ''Oh you cheated by giving greetings out.'' Get a life -__-As you see I am single on MSP. (Irish) Because ZainHanan broke my heart and dumped me because I wasn't  talking to him when I was offline. I'm not in the mood right now! -_- I'm alone -.-Why? I thought he would keep me in his heart forever and stay with me forever but as you see that's not going to happen! As you see I made an artbook :

Yeah! I'm broken hearted. Nobody cares :'(_________________________________________________________________________________Anyway, how you doing today? Are you feeling:

Moving on.

Me hanging out with my mates in Cafe chat ♥

___________________________________________________________________________________So I just got a BF on Irish his name is Daniel and he is the perfect person <3 Don't judge us. People fall in love all the time and that is what I've done now. 

This is what !Superhero! or should I say !!!Alf!!! said to me. Look no one go out with him. He is a loser and he is pathetic and he is mean and nasty!


Hello MSP! As you can see red is my favourite colour now. if you have a problem with that talk to someone else but not me.
Rules to keep children safe.
So some of you have been locked off a lot of Movie Star Planet and it is because your not following the rules x So here you go. x If you cant be bothered to read them then you will get locked off every time.

So they are the rules.. you love teenager posts right? If you dont then look at these and you will love Teenager Posts! xD


Here is some songs I want you to listen to and my music vids!

Advice by Christina Grimmie^

My video on how to earn fame with my friend in real! Don't judge him.

My own video doing lala and singing. Don't judge me if you don't like my singing. just enjoy the video <3

Listen to your heart by me. Hope you like it <3

Everytime we touch by me - hope you like it<3

Dance dance by me - Hope you like it<3

Love the way you lie by me - hope you like it <3

I'll push you back/that you dont know me by me - hope you like it <3
So basically I think this girl is a hacker and she is trying to hack my friend Lydia on UK.. she is on her Melleh account and I'm on her account cause she let me and the hacker deleted some of the messages she sent her. -_- stupid hacker -_-

Please watch out if your on English MSP, she is a hacker! And sometimes a fail. She is just a stupid girl. If your out there woman in white, just know I am watching you over and over again. I could be a devil or an angel. and if you think I'm jealous of you. Er... no! I'm not jealous of you? How can I be jelalous and then be jealous of you? But I think your a boy trying to steal peoples account and making there parents mad at them. Your just an idiot who thinks you can get away with stuff. Just wait until you get locked out of MSP then see how you will like it then? Wait.. what if people report you 3 times because when people report you over 3 times you get locked out. -_- Just remember that matey. Leave my friend alone. She doesn't want any hassle over you. So will you get lost and go back to Pakistan with your family. You don't deserve to be on MSP and being a hacker. If your over 15 your not aloud on a kids game. Just delete your account so everyone will be happy and celebrate with a party. Got it? Stupid freak! -_-
Lydia said this:
Christina is right, I was hacked. But what if my dad kills me and finds out? Please help me! I am scared and I am only 9, Christina is 11 and she is like a sister to me by protecting me and trying to save my account :( Please stop hacking me I don't like it! :( I am begging you! Please don't! This is a picture I made on paint at Christina's house.


Hey guys! Today has been a great day! Why? Please help me to level 12! No one has helped me! And if you do help me I will help you. I am a helpful person. I have been trying so hard to get to level 12! And A have been on double fame for 60 minutes and then I asked people politely to help and only 5 people helped me! No-one else. I have 378 friends and loads of people were online and none of them helped me! I cant believe I wasted 5 diamonds for double fame and no one helped me!
This is how much fame I have: 

So I hope you all help me xx thank you xxx :D
and BTW this is my Facebook page if you wanna add me x
HTTP:// you xx and i hope you had a great day xx and also Bleachlover12 is back on English, so add her! And she is at my house right now! And don't judge her/him, because he is a boy! and we are not bf and gf and here is photo's of us! :D xx Okay I am the girl and bleach is the boy! Yes we are having fun and having random MSP laughter of memories! :D

Ha ha! ;D
26/04/13:Hey guys as you all noticed there are new updates and I will show you what they are:

The animations at the bottom.  you see everyone is  doing an animation! :)

 The clothes background has changed it used to be black but now it has colours on it x

27/4/13 - So hey guys another sunny day! Its 10:30am here and I am now gonna post a picture of some hair which is on MSP! 

 That hair might look like some hair on MSP!
Now here is the hair on MSP:

See both hair looks the same! So here you are! :P

Hey guys it's me Christina.
Today I will be doing some drawings! Well here is what I drew of me on MSP!

Its a neon look.
This is ! Abbie Girl !
I might be a bit rubbish but oh well x

So here you go Abbie.
I am a bit rubbish

cute monkey 123 :


Hey guys! Leader is having a party in his room so I took loads of pics:

Being random as well:

Yes I was being so random because no one was in Leaders house :O

Thanks for reading my incredibly long post ;D Bye!